Who are you?
This is me
A bunny with internet access!

Hi!!! the name is Erika, but you can call me "Eri", I go by any pronouns (dont worry about it), a 17 year old artist that likes to draw, model and animate in 3d, code, filmaking and sometimes makes music!. Im really interested in gamedeveloping too!, altought i haven't finished any of my games lol. If you want to see any of my projects and works, you can go to the "Gallery" section of my page!.
I like movies and webseries, a lot of people won't consider movies and animation on the internet as "valid" cinema, but i do, FVCK YOU IF YOU DONT!!! (I also want to do animations and short films too! maybe even a full on analog/digital horror series!).
Too introvert for the extroverts, too extrovert for the introverts, i like talking with people on the internet, talk to me, i need friends (dont do it irl, i dont know how to do that lol).
- -Dogs and cats!
- -Possums and raccons!
- -The color green!
- -Forests!
- -Rain!
- -Analog horror!
- -Playing my guitar!
- -Sandwiches!
- -Cold Coffe!
- -Orange Juice!
Random Stuff
- -My birthday is the november 1st!
- -Im INTP!
- -I collect CDs!
- -Im from Mexico!
- -My first game console was the xbox 360, altought, my first experiences with gaming were with flash games, and emulation.
- -I may be autistic lol
- -Really spicy food
- -Summer weather
- -Partys
- -Loud Noises
- -Game "Remakes"
- -Proprietary software
- -Subscription based software
- -Streaming services